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в Госкомпечати Украины 30.11.1994,
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О специфике работы c марксистской литературой в зарубежных условиях. (Список литературы 331-441)

О специфике работы c марксистской литературой в зарубежных условиях. (Список литературы 331-441 )

Владимир Жуковский

331. Che Guevara E., Waters M-A. Che Guevara Talks to Young People, 188p., Pathfinder Pr, 2000.

332. Che Guevara E. Marx & Engels: A Biographical Introduction (Che Guevara Publishing Project), 100 p., Ocean Press, 2008.

333. Che Guevara E. Our America and Theirs: Kennedy and the Alliance for Progress - The Debate on Free Trade (Che Guevara Publishing Project), 160 p., Ocean Press, 2005.

334. Castro F., Che Guevara E. To Speak the Truth: Why Washington's 'Cold War' Against Cuba Doesn't End, 240 p., Pathfinder Pr, 1991.

335. Che Guevara E. Back on the Road: A Journey Through Latin America, 160 p., Grove Press, 2002.

336. Gerassi J., Che Guevara E. Venceremos!: The Speeches and Writings of Ernesto Che Guevara, 442 p., Simon and Schuster, 1969.

337. Castro F. War, Racism and Economic Justice: The Global Ravages of Capitalism, 120 p., Ocean Press, 2002.

338. Castro F. Fidel My Early Years, 194 p., Ocean Press, 2004.

339. Castro F. Fidel & Religion: Conversations with Frei Betto on Marxism & Liberation Theology, 300 p., Ocean Press, 2006.

340. Castro F. Cold War: A Warning for a Unipolar World, 96 p., Ocean Press, 2003.

341. Castro F. Tomorrow Is Too Late: Development and the Environmental Crisis in the Third World, 54 p., Ocean Press, 1993.

342. Castro F. On Imperialist Globalization, 164 p., Zed Books, 2003.

343. Castro F. Fidel Castro on the Bay of Pigs, 220 p., Ocean Press, 2001.

344. Castro F. Obama and The Empire, 190 p., Ocean Press, 2011.

345. Castro F. Che: A Memoir, 200 p., Ocean Press, 2005.

346. Castro F. Guantanamo: Why the Illegal US Base Should Be Returned to Cuba, 160 p., Ocean Press, 2010.

347. Castro F. The Strategic Victory: The War Against Batista in the Sierra Maestra, 600 p., Ocean Press, 2013.

348. Castro F. Capitalism in Crisis: Globalization and World Politics Today, 250 p., Ocean Press, 2000.

349. Castro F., Alarcon R. U. S. Hands Off the Mideast!: Cuba Speaks Out at the United Nations, 126 p., Pathfinder Press, 1998.

350. Castro F. Cuba Will Never Adopt Capitalist Methods, 37 p., Pathfinder Press, 1988.

351. Castro F. In Defense of Socialism: Four Speeches on the 30th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution (Fidel Castro Speeches, Vol. 4, 1988-89), 176 p., Pathfinder Press, 1994.

352. Castro F. Women and the Cuban Revolution: Speeches & Documents, 156 p., Pathfinder Press 1982.

353. Castro F., Fernandez J.R. Playa Girón/Bay of Pigs: Washington's First Military Defeat in the Americas, 278 p., Pathfinder Press, 2001.

354. Castro F. Fidel Castro: Nothing Can Stop the Course of History, 259 p., Pathfinder Press, 1986.

355. Betto F., Castro F. Fidel and Religion: Castro Talks on Revolution and Religion with Frei Betto, 320 p., Simon and Schuster, 1989.

356. Castro F. The Gigantic Casino: Reflections on the World Financial Crisis, 78 p., Left Word Books, 2009.

357. Castro F. De Seattle A Septiembre 11, 321 p., Txalaparta, 2001.

358. Elliot J.M. Fidel by Fidel: An Interview with Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Republic of Cuba, 122 p., Borgo Press, 2009.

359. Castro F. World Economic and Social Crisis, 224 p., Council of State, 1983.

360. Castro F. The Prison Letters of Fidel Castro, 208 p., Nation Books, 2007.

361. Castro F., Ramonet I. Fidel Castro My Life, 736 p., Scribners, 2007.

362. Castro F. Fidel Castro Speaks, 332 p., Allen Lane, 1970.

363. Hoxha E. On the further revolutionizing our party and the life of our country as a whole;: Speeches (1967-1968), 309 p.,"8 Nentori", 1974.

364. Hoxha E. he Albanian Film, 221 p., "8 Nentori", 1977.

365. Hoxha E. The Anglo-American Threat to Albania: Memoirs of the National Liberation War, 446 p., "8 Nentori", 1982.

366. Hoxha E. Two Friendly Peoples: Excerpts from the Political Diary and Other Documents on Albanian-Greek Relations 1941-1984, 455 p., "8 Nentori",1985.

367. Hoxha E. With Stalin: Memoirs, 223 p., National Publications Centre, 1980.

368. Hoxha E. Laying the Foundations of New Albania, 580 p., National Publications Centre, 1985.

369. Hoxha E. Selected Works, 850 p., The Institute of Marxist-Leninist Studies at the CC of the PLA, 1974.

370. Hoxha E. Can the Chinese revolution be called a proletarian revolution? 44 p., Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists, 1979.

371. Hoxha E. It is in the party-people-state power unity that our strength lies, 71 p., N. FrashFeri Pub. House, 1970.

372. Hoxha E. Artful Albanian: The Memoirs of Enver Hoxha, 256 p., Chatto & Windus, 1986.

373. Hoxha E. Enver Hoxha, 397 p., UET Press & Klan, 2011.

374. Hoxha E. Imperialism and the Revolution, 286 p., CreateSpace, 2010.

375. Hoxha E. Eurocommunism Is Anti-Communism, 204 p., CreateSpace, 2011.

376. Hoxha E. The Selected Works of Enver Hoxha, 498 p., CreateSpace, 2011.

377. Hoxha E. The Khruschevites, 336 p., CreateSpace, 2011.

378. Hoxha E. With Stalin: Memoirs from my Meetings with Stalin, 154 p. CreateSpace, 2011.

379. Hoxha E. Yugoslav "Self-Administration": Capitalist Theory and Practice, 88 p., CreateSpace, 2011.

380. The Essential Tito, 215 p., David & Charles, 1971.

381. Tito J.B. De la resistance a l'independance, 398 p., Anthropos, 1977.

382. Tito J.B. Tito speaks, 24 p., United South Slav. Committee, 1944.

383. Tito J.B. The national question, 219 p., Socialist Thought and Practice, 1983.

384. Tito J.B. Self-management, 256 p., Socialist Thought and Practice, 1983.

385. Tito J.B. Josip Broz Tito on the national question, 32 p., Beogradski izd., 1978.

386. Barnett N. Tito (Life & Times), 192 p., Haus Publishers Ltd., 2006.

387. Ho C.M. Against U.S. Aggression For National Salvation, 152 p., Foreign Languages Pub., 1967.

388. Ho C.M. President Ho chi Minh answers President L.B. Johnson, 28 p., Foreign Languages Pub., 1967.

389. Ho C.M. Viet Nam and the Failure of the U.S. War of Destruction against the D.R.V.N (Official Documents), 70 p., Foreign Languages Pub., 1968.

390. Ho C.M. Ho Chi Minh - Écrits (1920-1969), 382 p., Editions En Langues Etrangeres, 1971.

391. Ho C.M. President Ho Chi Minh's testament, 64 p., Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, 1989.

392. Ho C.M., Lan T. Stories Told on the Trail (A Number of Anecdotes About Uncle Ho From Before 1945), 188 p., The Gioi Publishers, 2009.

393. Ho C.M. Ho Chi Minh: selected articles and speeches, 1920-1967, 172 p., Lawrence & Wishart, 1969.

394. Ho C.M. Ho Chi Minh: Selected Writings 1920-1969, 372 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

395. Ho C.M. Patriotism and Proletarian Internationalism , 224 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2003.

396. Ho C.M. Down with Colonialism! (Revolutions), 226 p., Verso, 2007.

397. Ho C.M. Ho Chi Minh on Revolution: Selected Writings, 1920-66, 389 p., Westview Press, 1984.

398. Ho C.M. The Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh, 103 p., Bantam Books, 1971.

399. Phan B.C., Ho C.M. Reflections from Captivity, 113 p., Ohio Univ. Pr.,1978.

400. In Prison: Writings and Poems About the Prison Experience, Ed. by J.E. Trupin, 358 p., New American Library Mentor Book, 1975.

401. Ho C.M. Poems from the Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh, 35 p., Tinfish Press, 2004.

402. Duiker W.J. Ho Chi Minh: A Life, 752 p., Hyperion, 2001.

403. Pham D.L. Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), 282 p., Xlibris, Corp., 2007.

404. Ho C.M. The Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh, 146 p., CreateSpace, 2011.

405. Kim I-S. Kimil Sung: The Non-alignment Monement is a Mighty Anti-imperialist Revolutionary Force of Our Times, 322 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1976.

406. Kim I-S. On the management of the socialist economy, 404 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1992.

407. Kim I-S. Kim Il Sung (Report to the Sixth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea on the Work of the Central Committee), 119 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1980.

408. Kim I-S. Answers to the questions raised by foreign journalists, 354 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1977.

409. Kim I-S. Talk with The Managing editor of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine "Sekai" October 6, 1972, 35 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1972.

410. Kim I-S. On preparing for the great event of national liberation (10.08.1940), 17 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1976.

411. Kim I-S. Talk with the editor-in-chief of the Japanese politico-theoretical magazine 'Sekai': March 28, 1976, 29 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1976.

412. Kim I-S. Answers to questions raised by the director of the Iwanami Shoten, publishers, Japan, September 26, 1991, 10 p., Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1991.

413. Kim I-S. Young people must accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche, upholding the leadership of the party, February 22, 1993, 9 p., Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1993.

414. Kim I-S. Let the North and the South open the way to peace and the reunification of the country in a united effort, 4 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1992.

415. Kim I-S. On some theoretical problems of the socialist economy, 29 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1983.

416. Kim I-S. On increasing the vitality of the work of the League of Socialist Working Youth to suit the character of young people, 52 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1988.

417. Kim I-S. Let us inspire the people with hopes of national liberation by advancing with large forces into the homeland, 10 p., Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1977.

418. Kim I-S. Let us prevent a national split and reunify the country: Speech at the Pyongyang mass rally to welcome the party and government delegation of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, June 23, 1973, 16 p., Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1973.

419. Kim I-S. Answers to the questions raised by the Iraqi journalists' delegation, October 11, 1971, 22 p., Foreign Languages Pub. House, 1971.

420. Kim J-I. On the Juche Idea: Treatise sent to the National Seminar on the Juche Idea Held to Mark the 70th Birthday of the Great Leader Comrade Kim II Sung, March 31, 1982, 84 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1982.

421. Kim J-I. Exposition of the Juche Idea, 164 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1983.

422. Kim J-I. Kim Jong Il: On carrying forward the Juche idea, 412 p., Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1995.

423. Kim J-I. On the Juche Idea, 68 p., Kessinger Publishing, 2004.

424. Lim J-C. Kim Jong-il's Leadership of North Korea (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series), 240 p., Routledge, 2011.

425. Kim J-I. On Establishing the Juche Outlook on the Revolution: Talk to the Senior Officials of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, 1987 (Enlarged Student Facsimile Reprint), 26 p., Acend Reprints, 2012.

426. Kim J-I. On the Art of the Cinema , 344 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

427. Kim J-I. On the Art of Opera, 188 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

428. Kim J-I. Our Socialism Centered On the Masses Shall Not Perish, 52 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2003.

429. Kim I-S. Kim J-I. Juche! The Speeches and Writings of Kim Il Sung, 271 p., Grossman, 1972.

430. Kim I-S. For the independent, peaceful reunification of Korea, 230 p., International Publishers, 1975.

431. Kim I-S. On Juche in Our Revolution, Vol. 2, 476 p., Weekly Guardian Associates, 1977.

432. Kim I-S. The Selected Works of Kim Il Sung, 112 p., CreateSpace, 2011.

433. Kim I-S. For an Independent World, 144 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

434. Kim I-S. On the Work with Children and Youth, 388 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

435. Kim I-S. On Socialist Pedagogy, 424 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

436. Kim I-S. For the Independent, Peaceful Reunification of the Country, 344 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2003.

437. Tse-tung M. Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom: The Complete Text On The Correct Handling Of Contradictions Among The People, 60 p., Literary Licensing, LLC, 2011.

438. Zedong M. Chairman Mao Talks To The People: Talks and Letters: 1956-1971 (The Pantheon Asia Library), 352 p., Pantheon Books, 1975.

439. Zedong M. Aspects of China's anti-Japanese struggle, 80 p., People's Publishing House, 1948.

440. Zedong M. The foolish old man who removed the mountains: Three articles, 9 p., Donald E. Scott, 1966.

441. Zedong M. Differentiation of the three worlds, 63 p., Peoples Daily, 1977.

Часть 1, Часть 2, Часть3,
Часть 4, Часть 5, Часть 6.

Список литературы:
1-110,  111-220221-330,  331-441

Категория: Анонсы. | Добавил: Редактор (12.08.2012) | Автор: Владимир Жуковский
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