О специфике работы c марксистской литературой в зарубежных условиях. (Список литературы 111-220)
Владимир Жуковский
111. Marx K. The Poverty of Philosophy, 228 p,
University of Toronto Libraries, 2011.
112. Marx K. Misère De La Philosophie, 312 p., Nabu
Press, 2012.
113. Parsons H.L. Marx and Engels on Ecology, 262 p.,
Greenwood Press, 1977.
114. Dunayevskaya R. Rosa Luxemburg, Women's
Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution, 280 p., University of Illinois
Press, 1991.
115. Historical Materialism and Social Evolution (Ed.
by P. Blackledge, G. Kirkpatrick), 256 p., Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
116. Clowing M. Marxism and Criminological Theory: A
Critique and a Toolkit , 280 p., Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
117. Musto M. Karl Marx Grundrisse: Foundations of the
Critique of Political Economy, 912 p., Penguin Classics, 1993.
118. Anderson K.B. Marx at the Margins: On
Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies, 336 p., University Of
Chicago Press, 2010.
119. Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies (C.
Bartolovich, N. Lazarus), 304 p., Cambridge University Press, 2002.
120. Abbinnett R. Marxism after Modernity: Politics,
Technology and Social Transformation, 256 p., Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
121. Dunayevskaya R. Marxism and Freedom, 400 p.,
Humanity Books, 2000.
122. Homer S. Fredric Jameson: Marxism, Hermeneutics,
Postmodernism, 240 p., Routledge, 1998.
123. Anyon J. Marx and Education, 128 p., Routledge,
124. Gregor A.J. Marxism, Fascism, and
Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism, 416 p.,
Stanford University Press, 2008.
125. Kolakowski L. Main Currents of Marxism: The
Founders - The Golden Age - The Breakdown, 1312 p., W. W. Norton & Company,
126. Blackledge P. Reflections on the Marxist Theory
of History, 224 p., Manchester University Press, 2006.
127. Zhongqiao D. Current Global Ideas and Movements
Challenging Capitalism. Futurism, Neo-Liberalism, Post-modernism, Post-
Colonialism, Analytical Marxism, Eco-socialism, Socialist Feminism, Market
Socialism, 350 p., Canut, 2011.
128. Wayne M. Marxism And Media Studies: Key Concepts
and Contemporary Trends, 304 p., Pluto Press, 2003.
129. Sparks C. Communism, Capitalism and the Mass
Media, 240 p., Sage Publications Ltd., 1998
130. Robinson C.J. Black Marxism: The Making of the
Black Radical Tradition, 480 p., The University of North Carolina Press, 2000.
131. Judt T. Marxism and the French Left: Studies on
Labour and Politics in France, 1830-1981, 347 p., New York University Press,
132. Williams R. Marxism and Literature, 224 p.,
Oxford University Press, 1978.
133. Cole M. Critical Race Theory and Education: A
Marxist Response, 228 p., Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
134. Anderson K. Lenin, Hegel & Western Marxism: A
Critical Study, 336 p., University of Illinois Press, 1995.
135. Martin B. Ethical Marxism: The Categorical
Imperative of Liberation, 480 p., Open Court, 2008.
136. Miliband R. Marxism and Politics, 208 p., Merlin
Press, 2003.
137. Jameson F. Late Marxism: Adorno, Or, The
Persistence of the Dialectic, 270 p., Verso, 2007
138. Volosinov V.N. Marxism and the Philosophy of
Language, 224 p., Harvard University Press, 1986.
139. Hobsbawm E. How to Change the World: Reflections
on Marx and Marxism, 480 p., Yale University Press, 2011.
140. Burkett P. Marxism and Ecological Economics:
Toward a Red and Green Political Economy, 358 p., Haymarket Books, 2009.
141. Hughes J. Ecology and Historical Materialism, 230
p., Cambridge University Press, 2000.
142. Petres M.A. Poststructuralism, Marxism, and
Neoliberalism: Between Theory and Politics, 176 p., Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers, 2001.
143. Blackledge P. Perry Anderson, Marxism and the New
Left, 224 p., Merlin Press, 2004.
144. Albert M., Hahnel R. Unorthodox Marxism: An Essay
on Capitalism, Socialism, and Revolution. 388 p., South End Press, 1999.
145. Williams C. Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to
Capitalist Ecological Crisis, 220 p., Haymarket Books, 2010.
146. O'Connor J. Natural Causes: Essays in Ecological
Marxism, 350 p., Guilford Press, 1997.
147. Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction (Ed. by
M. Bould, C. Mieville), 304 p., Wesleyan, 2009.
148. Jameson F. Conversations on Cultural Marxism
(Post-Contemporary Interventions), 296 p., Duke University Press Books, 2007.
149. Wayne M. Understanding Film: Marxist
Perspectives, 272 p., Pluto Press, 2005.
150. McKown D.B. The Classical Marxist Critiques of
Religion: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Kautsky, 188 p., Springer, 1975.
151. Badiou A. The Communist Hypothesi, 288 p., Verso,
152. Steenson G.P. After Marx, Before Lenin: Marxism
and Socialist Working-Class Parties in Europe, 1884-1914, 366 p., University of
Pittsburgh Press, 1991.
153. Chun L. The Transformation of Chinese Socialism,
384 p., Duke University Press Books, 2006.
154. Rossmsman J.J. Worker Resistance under Stalin:
Class and Revolution on the Shop Floor, 326 p., Harvard University Press, 2005.
155. Messer-Kruse T. The Yankee International: Marxism
and the American Reform Tradition, 1848-1876, 336 p., The University of North
Carolina Press, 1998.
156. Woodal J. The Socialist Corporation and
Technocratic Power: The Polish United Workers' Party, Industrial Organisation
and Workforce Control 1958-1980, 296 p., Cambridge University Press, 2008.
157. Pierson S. Marxist Intellectuals and the
Working-Class Mentality in Germany (1887-1912), 332 p., Harvard University
Press, 1993.
158. Green J. Marx & Lennon: The Parallel Sayings,
272 p., Hyperion, 2005.
159. Lenin V.I. Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile
Disorder, 96 p., International Publishers, 1985.
160. Lenin V.I. Essential Works of Lenin: "What
Is to Be Done?" and Other Writings. 400 p., Dover Publications, 1987.
161. Lenin V.I. What Is to Be Done?: Burning Questions
of Our Movement, 198 p., Intlertnational Pub., 1969.
162. Lenin V.I. Economic Writings, 388 p., Lawrence
& Wishart Ltd., 1989.
163. Lenin V.I. Lenin on the Jewish Question, 155 p.,
International Publishers, 1974.
164. Lenin V.I. On Language, 294 p., Central Books
Ltd., 1983.
165. Lenin V.I. The re-organisation of the party;
Party organisation and party literature, 23 p., IEG Publications, 1972.
166. Lenin V.I. Tasks of the Proletariat in Our
Revolution, 56 p., Central Books Ltd., 1981.
167. Lenin V.I. Selected works of V. I. Lenin;:
One-volume edition, 798 p., International Publishers, 1971.
168. Lenin V.I. The Emancipation of Women (From the
Writings of V. I. Lenin), 136 p., International Publishers, 1970.
169. Lenin V.I. Declaration of Rights of the Working
and Exploited People, 29 p., Central Books Ltd, 1981.
170. Lenin V.I. On Workers Control & the
Nationalisation, 272 p., Central Books Ltd., 1982.
171. Lenin V.I. Materialism and Empirio-Criticism:
Critical Comments on a Reactionary Philosophy. 391 p., University Press of the
Pacific, 2002.
172. Lenin V.I. The State and Revolution. 124 p.,
Synergy International of the Americas, 2007.
173. Lenin V.I. Revolution, Democracy, Socialism:
Selected Writings, 376 p., Pluto Press, 2008.
174. Lenin V.I. Imperialism: The Highest Stage of
Capitalism, 192 p., Pluto Press, 1996.
175. Lenin V.I. Will the Bolsheviks Maintain Power,
122 p., Sutton Pub Ltd, 1997.
176. Lenin V.I. Philosophical notebooks. 638 p.,
Foreign Languages Publishing House (Moscow), 1961.
177. Stalin J.V. Selected Works, 660 p., University
Press of the Pacific, 2002.
178. Stalin J. Marxism and the National and Colonial
Question, 316 p., University Press of the Pacific, 2003.
179. Stalin J. Stalin On Lenin, 116 p., University
Press of the Pacific, 2004.
180. Stalin J.V. Marxism and Problems of Linguistics,
64 p., Wildside Press, 2008.
181. Stalin J.V. The Foundations of Leninism, 134 p.,
CreateSpace, 2011.
182. Stalin J. Economic Problems of Socialism in the
USSR, 112 p., CreateSpace, 2011.
183. Stalin J. Anarchism or Socialism, 74 p.,
CreateSpace, 2012.
184. Stalin J.V. The New Russian Policy, 28 p., The
John Day Company, 1931.
185. Stalin J.V. The Russian Revolution, 303 p.,
International Publishers, 1938.
186. Stalin J. Marxism and the National and Colonial
Question: Articles and Speeches by J. Stalin (Ed. A. Fineberg), 304 p.,
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd., 1941.
187. Stalin J.V. Marxism and Revisionism, 64 p.,
International Publishers, 1946.
188. Stalin J. Marxism Vs. Liberalism, 24 p., New
Century Publishers, 1950.
189. Trotsky L. Marxism and Terrorism, 32 p.,
Pathfinder Press, 1995.
190. Trotsky L. The Revolution Betrayed, 240 p., Dover
Publications, 2004.
191. Trotsky L. Literature and Revolution, 350 p.,
Haymarket Books, 2005.
192. Trotsky L. Terrorism and Communism: A Reply to
Karl Kautsky, 183 p., Verso, 2007.
193. Trotsky L. My Life: An Attempt at an
Autobiography, 624 p., Dover Publications, 2007.
194. Trotsky L. History of the Russian Revolution,
1040 p., Haymarket Books, 2008.
195. Kojevnikov A.B. Stalin's Great Science: The Times
and Adventures of Soviet Physicists, 384 p., World Scientific Publishing
Company, 2004.
196. Bailes K. Soviet Science in the Stalin Period:
The Case of V.I. Vernadskii and his School (1928 - 1945). Stanford: Slavic
Review ASIN: B007O2EOIQ, 1986.
197. Pollock E. Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars,
288 p., Princeton University Press, 2008.
198. Kotkin S. Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a
Civilization, 639 p., University of California Press, 1997.
199. Groys B., Rougle C. The Total Art of Stalinism:
Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and Beyond. 144 p., Verso, 2011.
200. Paperny V. Architecture in the Age of Stalin:
Culture Two. 400 p., Cambridge University Press, 2011.
201. Tarkhanov A., Kavtaradze S., Anikst M.
Architecture of The Stalin Era, 192 p., Rizzoli, 1992.
202. Ryabushin A., Smolina N. Landmarks of Soviet
Architecture, 159 p., Rizzoli, 1992.
203. Clark K. Moscow, the Fourth Rome: Stalinism,
Cosmopolitanism, and the Evolution of Soviet Culture, 1931-1941, 432 p.,
Harvard University Press, 2011.
204. Clark K. The Soviet Novel: History as Ritual, 344
p., Indiana University Press, 2000.
205. Andrews J.T., Siddiqi A.A. Into the Cosmos: Space
Exploration and Soviet Culture, 336 p., University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011.
206. Thomas A. Kul'tura Kosmosa: The Russian Popular
Culture of Space Exploration, 156 p., Dissertation.Com, 2011.
207. Soviet Space Culture: Cosmic Enthusiasm in
Socialist Societies (Ed. by E. Maurer, J. Richers, C. Scheide, M. Rüthers), 344
p., Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
208. Bartos A. Kosmos: A Portrait of the Russian Space
Age, 176 p., Princeton Architectural Press, 2001.
209. Sheeman H. Marxism and the Philosophy of Science:
A Critical History, 438 p., Humanities Press, 1993.
210. Graham L.R. Science and philosophy in the Soviet
Union. 607 p., Knopf, 1972.
211. Graham L.R., Dezhina I. Science in the New
Russia: Crisis, Aid, Reform, 216 p., Indiana University Press, 2008.
212. Graham L.R. Science in Russia and the Soviet
Union: A Short History, 352 p., Cambridge University Press, 1994.
213. Graham L. The Ghost of the Executed Engineer:
Technology and the Fall of the Soviet Union, 154 p., Harvard University Press,
214. Graham L.R. Science, Philosophy and Human
Behavior in the Soviet Union, 565 p., Columbia University Press, 1989.
215. Bakunin M.A. Mikhail Bakunin - Statism and
Anarchy, 37 p., Amazon Digital Services.
216. Bakunin M.A. Mikhail Bakunin - Federalism,
Socialism, Anti-Theologism (1867), 46 p., Amazon Digital Services
217. Bakunin M.A. Mikhail Bakunin - Marxism, Freedom
and the State (1867-1872), 46 p., Amazon Digital Services
218. Bakunin M.A. God and the State, 54 p.,
CreateSpace, 2011
219. Bakunin M.A. Correspondance De Michel Bakounine
(French Edition), 396 p., Nabu Press, 2010.
220. Bakunin M.A. Bakunin on anarchy: A new selection
of writings nearly all published for the first time in English by the founder
of the world anarchist movement, 399 p., Alfred A. Knopf, 1972
Часть 1, Часть 2, Часть3,
Часть 4, Часть 5, Часть 6.
1-110, 111-220, 221-330, 331-441